Recurring project budgets

Machinery needs a little bit of grease every now and then, software an update, and a home a cleaning. Some projects lack the one big final »Done!«—and a feature to budget them smoothly in mite. E.g., if you agreed with your client on maintaining a project for 20 hours a month, you had to add a new project every single month to keep a keen eye on its budget.

No more! You can now set a monthly budget for a project, too. As usually, you can budget in hours or euro or another currency. Simply choose the brand spanking new option »hours per month« or »euros per month«, when adding or editing a project on the tab »Projects«.

Set a monthly budget for a project

mite will then display the percentual useage of the monthly budget and the remaining or exceeded hours or euros in all the familiar places. If the budget exceeds 75%, it will show up on your dashboard report as ‘critical’. Budgets will always be displayed on »Reports => Projects« and on project reports, including possible shared reports.

Project report: budget status of the current month

The project report of active projects will show the budget status of the current month in the upper right-hand corner. The report of archived projects will show the budget average instead.

Project report of an active project: budget status for all months

Click on »Show all months« to have a thorough look at the historical budget data, starting with the first month you tracked a time entry on.

If you did not track any time entries at all on a given month, the average will be calculated excluding this month. Add a time entry with 0:00 to force mite to include an easy-going month in the average.

Hopefully, this update will help you to manage recurring budgets more smoothly. We’d love to hear some feedback. Give it a try and tell us how it’s working for you. Thanks!

Julia in New features